Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Quality Management for Organizational Excellence †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Quality Management for Organizational Excellence. Answer: Introduction The purpose of this report is to understand the practices followed for professional communication through the preparation of two business letters and answering the queries of a case study. Communication in any discipline of life is extremely important to bring transparency into the proceedings (Bhatia 2014). Maintaining clarity through constant communication help to remove misunderstanding and develop a sense of trust and authenticity among the members involved. Professional communication is an art, which should be carried out with utmost precision to avoid any mishap from happening. Thank you for approaching Westfield Corporation with the purpose of receiving donations for purchasing new instruments. With deep regret, you are informed that the company currently is in no position to provide you with any sort of financial assistance. This is due to the employment of two new staff and buying of new equipment and hence the company expects costs to be on the higher side. In comparison with the costs, which will be incurred, the company doesnt expect to receive returns on a proportionate level for the period close to the next two months. The company genuinely feels that their scenario would change and until the same time next year, they could provide the funding. The organization sincerely hoped that the Youth Orchestra Company would understand the situation Westfield was going through, the time which the new recruits would take to settle down and for the staff to get used to the functionalities of new equipment. The understanding and the association which Westfield Corporation has had with Sydney Youth Orchestra would remain intact and hopefully go from strength to strength. The company would like to wish Sydney Youth Orchestra all the very best in their endeavor towards purchasing brand new instruments and sincerely hope that they grow and achieve success. Falls Creek Ski Resort is a known place for all those who love adventures and take their time out to do some skiing in this part of the world. The resort is filled with visitors from all across the world to have an experience of a lifetime, especially during the peak season from January till May but the intensity dies down from the beginning of June, which also results in hampering the revenue for the resort and hence not earn sufficient profits. As a manager of Falls Creek, this is a call for all those who love taking risks and be adventurous, come over to the Resort and get indulged in the natural beauty with hills all around the region. The visit would also enable the customers to get exposure to the utilities of organic products and enjoy the cultural events in the nearby community, which has become a major source of attraction for people coming over to Falls Creek Ski Resort. The organization is an accounting firm, which has been in operation since the year 1885. They comprise of three different levels top management, middle level management and the lower level consists of the employees. The number of employees in the organization is 5000, hence to improve the organizations reputation even further, certain strategies need to be put in place for improving the communication pattern followed in the organization. Whatever has been noticed so far, regarding the way through which the whole process of communication takes place, an urgent need for change is a necessity. This will help in making the communication more effective, allow the employees to sort their problems and hence make them even more productive. The problems that have been identified in the flow of communication are: The lower level employees are not made aware of the new goals formulated by the organization as there is very little communication between the management and the employees. As the employees are not clear about the companys perspectives, so this results in the current and prospective clients receiving conflicting responses to their queries. The employees who let the middle level managers know about any tricky situation or about their inability to communicate accurately with the clients due to lack of knowledge, do not receive any response from their side. Rather the employees get penalized for interventions (Dainton and Zelley 2014). The memos prepared by the top management do not remain in their original state, when they reach the middle level managers. Thus the original information of Memo gets distorted, resulting in the appropriate information not getting passed on to the middle and lower level employees. The above-mentioned issues are serious purely communication process can never be successful without maintaining a good rapport and clarity in communication between the employees and management. Preparation of plan to solve the firms communication problems: Solving communication problems on both internal and external basis is extremely important to ensure transparency and restoration of faith for the organization in the eyes of the existing as well as prospective clients. The following are some of the strategies which can be implemented by the organization to allow a smooth flow of communication to take place between employees and existing and prospective clients which would be external in nature: The company should make sure that accurate information about their products and services get updated on a regular basis in their website. They should make provisions for getting their clients subscribed for the newsletters and journals through emails (Goetsch and Davis 2014). Proper training materials should be provided with specific instructions, which would allow the employees to impart correct information over calls to their clients (Hynes 2012). Sending across accurate information to the clients would put the company in good stead and create a really good image in front of the clients. Collection of feedback can be another way through which the company can work on their communication problems and come up with improvements (Johansen, Aggerholm and Frandsen 2012). Feedback forms a part of all the reports made to the company by the external sources and which contains information about the companys strengths and weaknesses on their ability to deliver services on time by meeting up the expectations of the customers. Any kind of misinformation provided by an employee of the organization due to lack of knowledge about a particular service should be backed up by concrete reason (Okoro and Washington 2012). Hence, the assurance must be given to the customers that the queries would be resolved in a short notice and they regret for the inconvenience caused due to the inappropriate information passed on to them. The internal communications strategies which should be implemented to take care of the problems that are currently existing in the company: Internal Communication Plan Employees should be always made to feel a part of the organization by getting them involved into the scheme of things. Keeping employees in the dark about the goals which an organization is setting for themselves to achieve, is never a good thing. This is because employees are the asset of any company and through the achievement of targets, set by the organizations, they are the ones who take the entity towards the path of success and help them grow in stature (Quirke 2012). So, if the organization doesnt disclose the plans which they have formulated, to their employees, then the employees would never be able to live up to the expectations of the organization as they would not be aware of what is going on within the organization (Wood 2013). So, each and employee should be intimated through mails regarding the path which the organization is willing to take for the achievement of their new goals and objectives (E?riboyun 2017) Regular meetings should be held between the management and employees to understand each others requirements better and be sure about the fact that the communication is happening to and fro (Ruck and Welch 2012). These meetings would also help employees to talk about the areas where they might be facing issues and require the management to intervene quite frequently. This allows removal of any kind of barriers that might exist under other circumstances where direct communication cannot take place (Schnurr 2012). Filling up survey forms and questionnaires based on the action plan which the employees would like to suggest for bringing improvements into the system, should be immediately introduced make communication more transparent, avoid misinterpretation of facts and thereby create a healthy and energetic work atmosphere (Ver?i?, Ver?i? and Sriramesh 2012). Conclusion The report concludes that through the two business letters and preparation of business communication strategies, both internal and external to the organization, a clear understanding has been gathered on how to go about in structuring communications for delivering on the professional field. References Bhatia, V.K., 2014.Analysing genre: Language use in professional settings. Routledge. Dainton, M. and Zelley, E.D., 2014.Applying communication theory for professional life: A practical introduction. Sage publications. E?riboyun, D., 2017. The Perceptions about Communication Skills and Job Motivation: A Case Study.Management,7(4), pp.137-146. Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014.Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. Hynes, G.E., 2012. Improving employees interpersonal communication competencies: A qualitative study.Business communication quarterly,75(4), pp.466-475. Johansen, W., Aggerholm, H.K. and Frandsen, F., 2012. Entering new territory: A study of internal crisis management and crisis communication in organizations.Public Relations Review,38(2), pp.270-279. Okoro, E.A. and Washington, M.C., 2012. Workforce diversity and organizational communication: Analysis of human capital performance and productivity.Journal of Diversity Management (Online),7(1), p.57. Quirke, M.B., 2012.Making the connections: using internal communication to turn strategy into action. Gower Publishing, Ltd.. . Ruck, K. and Welch, M., 2012. Valuing internal communication; management and employee perspectives.Public Relations Review,38(2), pp.294-302. Schnurr, S., 2012.Exploring professional communication: Language in action. Routledge. Ver?i?, A.T., Ver?i?, D. and Sriramesh, K., 2012. Internal communication: Definition, parameters, and the future.Public relations review,38(2), pp.223-230. Wood, J.T., 2013.Communication mosaics: An introduction to the field of communication. Cengage Learning.

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